
This document describes the exec plugin included in Luminescence 1.0.1 (which haven't changed since 1.0). You can find that version of the file in the Git.

By default, Luminescence doesn't have any interpreter, only a lumi_exec function (actually it's a macro) callable from C.

Playing around

You'd better install the plugin first. Once you've found the source file, run:

luminescence-install 0-exec.c

You'd better install the echo plugin too if you want to try the examples.

Now that the plugins are install, run:

luminescence --shell

Don't wait for a prompt (it doesn't display any) and type:

echo "Hello world!"


It's like (really) barebone bash:

# This is a comment
echo arg1 arg2 # This is a comment too

echo "arg1, still arg1" arg2
echo "\"Yo dawg, I heard you like quotes\"" \# this is NOT a comment

Also, the redundant spaces between arguments are ignored (like in bash).

And that's it!


The shell command

Run it and it will read stdin.

Nothing special, really.

The exec command

This command interprets inline scripts. Have some examples:

luminescence --exec "echo hello" "echo world"
luminescence --exec "$(cat script-file)"

The run command

The better way to execute a script file is to use the run command.

luminesce --run ~/script

The paths are relative to Luminescence's directory (usually ~/.luminescence). That also means the working directory is ignored. In case of doubts, you'd better use absolute paths.

By default, the exec plugin interprets the config file on startup.